POSTED UNDER Blessing, Family, Friends, AND MORE

Dark of the Moon Divination

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Clove
Now that the holidays are well and truly over, sink into the restful, contemplative energies of winter. Tonight, cast this special tarot divination to use as guide for the rest of the year. Make a large paper circle. Divide the circle in pie-shaped wedges, one wedge for every aspect in your life: love, family, money, self-discovery, health, friends, etc. Draw a symbol to represent each of these aspects along the perimeter of the circle and color in each wedge. Place your tarot board in a quiet room. Light the room with candlelight, using a black candle next to your tarot board. Find your Seeker card (often the Fool) and place it in the center of the circle. When you feel centered, start shuffling cards, holding the first aspect firmly in your mind. Draw the card when you feel it's right. Continue through each aspect. Blessings.
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