POSTED UNDER Air, Earth, Water

Evoke Childlike Wonder

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Basil
Today is birthday of Theodore Geissel (1904–1991). We know him as Dr. Seuss, the author of Green Eggs and Ham and other childhood favorites. To evoke the delightful lightness of a life fully and humorously lived in magic and joy, as well as work up your magical confidence, put on your funniest garments and recite with full merriment:
I am a magical spellcaster
All this magic I can master.
Herbs and incense and the candle
All this lore I can handle.
Fire, water, earth, and air
Twirl in spells that I dare
To speak, and to know
My magical energy glows!
In a cone the energy goes
To my goal's purpose it flows.
As I will it so mote it be
Come back to me three times three!
Go about your day with a smile of joy and feel the lilting power of a life magically led. Blessed be.
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