Air Magic

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
Air magic is especially powerful during the months of spring. Air is the realm of thoughts and visions, and because all magic begins with thought, air governs new beginnings. Ask the energies of air to assist you in any spells that deal with communication, education, travel, or creativity. Some symbols for air you might use in spellwork are feathers, bubbles, kites, wind chimes, smoke, and words. Use wind magic as an aspect of air. The cold north wind is a good time to deal with the physical details of your life. Use its energies to banish bad habits or any negative influences that are haunting you. The east wind is refreshing, a good wind for any spells for self-improvement. The hot, dry south wind will aid you for spells to increase passion. The moist west wind is used for fertility spells and any workings where nurturing is wanted.

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