A Creativity Spell

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Ginger
Invoke Ixchel, the Moon and snake goddess of the Maya, who ruled weaving, magic, health, fertility, sexuality, and creativity. Ixchel's familiar was the dragonfly, the intricate creature of myth and garden, whose luminescent wings glitter as they flutter. Let the dragonfly flutter through your life. What do you want to create? Is it a painting, piece of music, or a poem? Or do you want to create a new life for yourself, peeling off the old like a snake shedding its skin? With Ixchel, the magic of the dragonfly is yours. Let luminescent colors brighten your imagination, inspiring creativity. Paint your life with the brush of change, let the thrum of hummingbird wings inspire. Even tiny things can be mighty. Go now, and create. Take up your pen or brush, imagination, and creativity. Bring your visions to life, with Ixchel.

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