POSTED UNDER Garden, Summer, Sun, AND MORE

A Summer Morning Spell

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Geranium
Where I live, summer mornings begin without haste. Mist veils some of the hills and hollows. The sunrise is slow and deliberate. And, the dew shimmers on fern and grass. It is a new day, a new beginning. This day never existed before, and never will again. Before you rush into the day and gulp your morning coffee, ease into the day with this spell. Stretch and yawn. Touch your toes and feel your body become limber. Draw back the drapes or raise the blinds. Visualize that you're raising the curtain on the first act of a play, and in effect you are. Look into your mirror and say, "A new day. A new me!" Now brew your morning coffee and savor the aroma. And please don't skip breakfast. Give yourself some extra time to connect with nature. Snip a small bouquet from your garden or just water a houseplant.

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