Ritual for Clairvoyant Tools

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle
This is a good workout ritual for those who are in training to be clairvoyants because it can be performed as many times as you wish-even after starting out in clairvoyance. This ritual also allows you to realign with spiritual objects that are used as tools in your work. Such items are crystal balls, crystal pyramids, tarot cards, I Ching, and all other types of card decks.
On a day when you are undisturbed, place all your tools on the altar. Meditate until you are able to hold an unwavering meditative state of mind. Pick up each object one at a time and get to know it; observe its lines, designs, and qualities. Know that you are getting better acquainted with it. Send loving energies to each item. Personify each by letting them assimilate with your natural electromagnetic energy levels. Visualize the tool and you working smoothly and accurately together.

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