POSTED UNDER Family, Friends, Peace, AND MORE

Avert Holiday Tension

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Orchid
Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is a time to gather with family and close friends who are family-of-choice. Although this holiday does not belong to a Pagan religion, it is closely related to Midwinter and other Pagan holidays. Plenty of Pagans still celebrate Christmas with their non-Pagan relatives. So here is a spell to help the holiday go smoothly for everyone. Think about who you're going spend Christmas with and cut a two-foot length of ribbon or yarn for each person. Use green for your relatives and red for your friends. Tie the ribbons together at one end, divide them into three hanks, and braid them together. Concentrate on creating unity out of diverse parts, and visualize a peaceful holiday season. Finally, knot the ends together to form a wreath, and hang it on the Christmas tree. If tension arises, look at the braid and remind yourself of its peaceful intent.
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