POSTED UNDER Friends, Love, Peace

Dream Spell for World Peace

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Hyssop
"We must concentrate not merely on the negative expulsion of war but the positive affirmation of peace." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Carve a peace symbol into a white candle. Fill a small dish with a little dirt from outside and place the candle on top. Relax and focus on the energy of peace. Hold your cupped hands near the candle and visualize very bright white light coming down from above, entering the crown of your head, going down to your heart, through your arms, out your hands, and into the candle. Light the candle, close your eyes, and see this white light of peace spread to the hearts of all people. See all humans everywhere filled with love and existing harmoniously with one another. Believe that this is our future. See if you can get your friends to do it too. The more people who do this spell, the better!

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About Tess Whitehurst
Tess Whitehurst (Boulder, CO) is an intuitive counselor, energy worker, feng shui consultant, and speaker. She has appeared on the Bravo TV show Flipping Out and her writing has been featured in such places as Writer's Digest, Llewellyn's annuals, and Spirit and Destiny magazine. She is also the ...
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