POSTED UNDER Cat, Purification, Spring

Dedication Day

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Ivy
Have you played on the fringes of accepting a matron or personal deity into your life? If so, today is a good day to dedicate yourself to a special manifestation of the Divine resonant with your essence. Traditionally a time of purification, today is opportune to ask for a more direct relationship with a god or goddess. Create a simple ceremony to mark your dedication, and set an intention to work with your Chosen One for a cycle of the seasons. You may wish to have your rite witnessed by your coven or a spiritual partner, or you may keep it silent but strong at your heart. Either way, ensure that your intention aligns with your practice by making a specific honoring that you can repeat today and every day. Speak aloud:
To thee, ________, I commit myself this year and a day. Work with me that I may become whole.

Holiday lore: Lincoln is called the Great Emancipator and is thought of as one of our greatest presidents. Know this, however: Lincoln was an almost unknown figure until the age of forty, when he first entered the Illinois state legislature. His later assassination threw the country into widespread mourning, inspiring Walt Whitman to write:
Coffin that passes, through lanes and street,
through day and night with the great cloud darkening the land . . .
I mourned, and yet shall mourn with ever returning spring.
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