POSTED UNDER Blessing, Charm, Curse, AND MORE

Luck Spell

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg
St. Patrick's Day

Tapping into the "Luck of the Irish" can be both a blessing and a curse! However, the energy of this day is certainly beneficial to any luck charm you would like to make. You will need:

A small clay pipe (easily found during this season)
Copal incense (enough to fill the pipe)
A green ribbon, or a live shamrock plant
An emerald

Fill the pipe with the incense. Wrap the stem of the pipe with the green ribbon, or place it in the middle of the shamrock plant. Light the incense and hold the emerald in the smoke of the incense, chant . . .

Luck of the Irish come to me, as I will so mote it be. Love and laughter, each times three, as I do, so mote it be.

Wear or carry the emerald with you all through the year.
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