POSTED UNDER Luck, Success

Luck Charm

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Geranium
Today is sacred to Jupiter, the supreme Roman god of luck, victory, and thunder. Draw upon Jupiter's power today to draw luck into your life.

For this spell you will need four bay leaves, a photocopy of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card, and a deep blue cord. In your ritual space, wrap the bay leaves in the tarot card. Use your breath to charge the ingredients with your intention. Begin visualizing yourself lucky, achieving all goals, successful in all endeavors as you chant:

By the powers of Fate
Open the gate
The path shall be clear
My success will draws near
Luck flow my way
Grow by night, grow by day

As the energy has almost reached its peak, tie the leaves and tarot card closed with the cord with four knots. Keep it close to your person to attract luck.
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