POSTED UNDER Bath, Garden, Recipe, AND MORE

Thyme for Health and Magic

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
Thyme should be looking lush in the herb garden now, and is excellent in spring health and magic rituals. First, use a bit of thyme in your bath to cleanse away any negativity that has built up from the past. To do this, simply sprinkle a few thyme leaves, or place a sprig of thyme in the bath water. You may add it to your favorite bubble bath to clear away negativity. Burn some thyme on your altar in May to cleanse your magical space. Thyme burned with incense will increase psychic power. For a restful night, place a sprig of thyme beneath your pillow. To cleanse your body, include thyme in a soup recipe such as green split pea for some soothing tasty comfort food.
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