POSTED UNDER Earth, Summer, Water, AND MORE

Water Elemental Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Orchid
After a long, cold winter, there is nothing like that first swim in a lake or the ocean. The end of May signals the beginning of summer days, yet the waters are still cold enough to present a challenge to the hearty! Plan a waterside picnic, and focus on reconnecting with water on a personal level. Write a few lines on paper describing ways in which you'd like to change or enhance your life. Think carefully, and set out some short-term goals, and then some long-term goals. Burn your notes and take the ashes to the water. Stand in the water and release the ashes saying:
I cast my promises for the future into your care. May your example be my guide. The placid flow, the raging torrent, sculpts the earth in its movement. May the flow of the waters within me sustain my dreams.
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