Charm for Gathering Yarrow

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Sage
Yarrow was a widely used herb in the Scottish folk tradition. It had many medicinal uses and numerous magical applications. As yarrow began to bloom, it was ritually gathered and kept for future use. Recite this ancient charm from Scotland to honor the yarrow plant and use its power for strength, compassion, courage, eloquence, and guidance:
I will gather the fair herb yarrow,
So that my speech will be as the beams of the Sun,
And my lips like the juice of the strawberry.
I will gather the fair plant yarrow,
So that my hand will be brave, And my foot will be swift.
May I be an island in the sea,
A hill upon the shore,
A rock upon the land.
May I be a star in the waning of the Moon,
And a staff to the weak.
With the power of yarrow, none can harm me.

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