Understanding Motivations of a Troubled Person

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
People are complex, but the reasons for why they act as they do come down to four components, much like magical elements: pain, fear, love, and power. Everyone has a little of each in their life. If a person you encounter is a fly in your ointment and knowing where the crazy comes from might help, then take these four cards from your tarot deck: the Hanged Man, the Lovers, the Tower, and the Emperor. Swing a pendulum between the cards, eliminating one card at time. The order they fall in is the order of their most basic motivations. The Hanged Man is pain of choice (conscious or otherwise), the Lovers card is love, the Tower is fear, and the Emperor is power. The order that the pendulum gives you is how these components are ranked concerning the person you're asking about. You can then use this information to plan how to handle this individual.
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