Carry a Torch for Diana

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Magnolia
Ancient Romans celebrated Nemoralia, Festival of Torches, from August 13 to 15 (or the Full Moon). This holiday honored Diana, the Moon goddess. Hunting or killing of animals was forbidden. For this occasion, women should take a ceremonial bath, then dress their hair with seasonal flowers. If Diana has granted a prayer of yours, carry a torch or candle to a lake or other body of water (or a cauldron of water) and speak your thanks. To make a prayer, write your request on a ribbon and tie it to the altar. People in need of healing may make a figure of clay or bread in the shape of the body part to be healed. Serve a feast of fruits and vegetables. Dance and sing in honor of Diana:
Maiden of the silver Moon,
Flash your mirror in the lake.
Lend us magic in our rite,
Torch and water, hound and snake.
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