Truth and Justice

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle
On this day in 1692, the governor of Massachusetts sent the letter that ended the Salem Witch trials. In this season of remembering our ancestors, take time at your altar to light two candles-one white and one black. Light the white one for the victims of persecution, both those falsely accused and those hunted for their beliefs. Light the black one as a statement against intolerance, injustice, and violence. Obtain a list of the names of those persecuted and executed during the Salem Witch trials, the European Witch trials, and add names of people you know who have been discriminated against because they practice magic or are Wiccan, Asatru, Romani, Pagan, or even Jewish or Christian. Remember the many nameless victims being falsely accused of witchcraft even today in Africa, the Middle East, and India. Look at your list and light your candles every day between now and Samhain.
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