See the History of an Object

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Cypress
If you find an object that seems to carry a story, try to scry the tale. With the object in your hand, sit in front of a mirror in a darkened room. Have a friend light a candle behind you. Close your eyes, count from ten to one, and then open them and look at the object in the mirror with your eyes slightly unfocused. Tell your friend the impressions coming to mind or that you glimpse in the mirror-colors, shapes, people, faces. If you're losing the thread and think about other things, count from ten to one and repeat the exercise. Keep going until the images and concepts begin repeating. When finished, turn on the light and see what you have found out. If you can, do some library research on the object and see how it might match what you found out with the mirror divination.
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