Parking Spell

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Rose
Every good Witch knows a parking spell. Part of the training many of us go through during our first few years in the occult arts is how to bring magic into everyday life. Parking spellsa re a great example of this, especially if they are short and rhythmic. That way the are easier to chant, allowing your mind to focus more deeply on your magical intent. When you arrive to your destination and begin looking for parking, visualize an available spot near the door.
As you do this, chant:
Goddess and God of love and
Help me find a parking
It's important you visualize your car driving into this spot. You don't want someone else driving into your spot! Be sure of offer some gratitude for your parking. You may wish to say something like:
Thank you for this parking
Within my heart, I forget
you not.
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