A Lotion Love-Potion

Commercially prepared body lotions can be easily transformed into magical potions to attract love your way. During a waxing Moon, place one level cup of any kind of lotion into a clean eight-ounce jar, and add a teaspoon of vanilla extract, three drops jasmine oil, two teaspoons grated lemon peel, 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, and one or two drops of nutmeg or anise oil. Blend the lotion with your fingers while visualizing your magical goal. Rub your clean body with the lotion before you go out to find a new romance. As you rub in the lotion say: "I prepare myself to find romance. I seek my partner in eternal dance. Love and romance, where I may be, I seek to find and draw to me."
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About Edain McCoy
Edain became a self-initiated Witch in 1981 and was an active part of the Pagan community since her formal initiation into a large San Antonio coven in 1983. Edain had researched alternative spiritualities since her teens, when she was first introduced to Kabbalah. Since that time, she studied a ...
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