Anti-Fire Spell

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
Make up four packets as follows. Take a swuare sheet of white paper, between 5 and 8 inches on a side. Draw the alchemical symbol for Fire, a triangle pointing up, in red ink, and allow it to dry. On top of it, draw the alchemical symbol for Water, a triangle point down, in blue ink. Put a generous pinch of salt on this. Fold the corners into the venter, chanting:

Safe from harm,
Safe and warm,
Fire glow but do not burn.

Then, fold the corners in to the center again, and finally a third time. Tilt the packer so the salt is at one side. Seal the center securely with several drops of blue candle wax; use the same candle for all four packets. Put the packets in the corners of your house or apartment, preferably someplace inconspicuous. This spell should be renewed every few years, or anytime you move.
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