POSTED UNDER Earth, Sun, Water

Sweet Creation

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Geranium
Honor the sacred union of Maiden Goddess and young Sun God that results in conception. Plant seeds inside you that will grow with the growing light. Choose ancient symbols of fertility, sacred union, and conception-candy eggs or jelly beans-in green, yellow, and purple to represent fertile Earth, the growing Sun, and the sacred union.
Know what you seed. Choose three goals-one physical, one mental, and one spiritual. Charge the green egg, with your physical goal, and say:

I plant the seeds of physical health and fitness.

Eat it. Then, imbue the yellow egg, with your mental goal, and say:

I plant the seeds of mindfulness.

Eat it. Finally, empower the purple egg with your spiritual goal, and say:

I plant the seeds of the divine in my soul.

Eat the sweet. Now, sip some water, face the Sun, and say:

I water and feed my intentions,
May they grow stong like the Sun God
And full like the Goddess.
So Mote It Be.
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