New Moon Meditation

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Carnation
The New Moon phase is a time for introspection and reflection. Meditation using a flower for focus is a good way to refresh yourself.
For this meditation, choose a single flower that you like and place it in a vase on a table in front of you. Light a candle or some incense if you wish. Study every part of the flower-the lines in the petals, the veins in the leaves. Close your eyes and see the flower vividly in your mind. Imagine yourself diving deeply into the flower's center. Then, visualize yourself as a flower. Next, try to see back in time to the birth of this flower; imagine your own birth. See yourself being reborn and refreshed as you meditate.
Use this chant:

Body, mind, and spirit here,
Help me to refresh and clear
All that seems to weigh me
down light and free, I am unbound.
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About Ember Grant
Ember Grant is a full time English professor and teaches writing, poetry, and literature. She has been writing for Llewellyn for more than twenty years and is the author of numerous articles and four books: Mythology for a Magical Life, The Book of Crystal Spells, The Second Book of Crystal Spells, ...
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