POSTED UNDER Air, Earth, Friends, AND MORE


Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
We are near the midpoint of summer. It's time to celebrate the abundance of warm wather, fruits, and vegetables, and life outdoors. Open yourself to abundance, knowing it flows freely around, and to each of us. Give thanks. Celebrate.
Invite friends for a potluck dinner. Ask each person to bring something they "love" to eat. As people, and dishes, gather around the table give thanks for your riches:

The Earth is abundant, and the elements too.
We give thanks for the warm Earth beneath our feet, the balmy summer air, the fiery Sun that freckles our shoulders and warm summer waters.
Tonight we're blessed with friends, laughter, and kindred spirits. And we're blessed with food we love.
The Goddess abundantly provides for us. Thanks be to the Great Goddess.
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