Color of the day: Topaz Incense of the day: Bay laurel As this is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, enlist the assistance of Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of justice, to help you in giving generously to those in need. Carry a red feather and a small picture of a heart with a piece of bloodstone and pray for Ma'at to lead you to someone who truly needs your help. Whether it be a financial donation, a bag of groceries, or a cooked meal, give it with love and don't expect anything in return. To start off the day, anoint an orange or red candle with cinnamon oil, and burn an incense of Job's tears or basil, cinnamon, and rosemary. Dedicate these to Ma'at and ask for her guidance through the day. Help out at a local soup kitchen or volunteer at a charity center. Whatever you do, do it with love and compassion, with no expectations or self - aggrandizement. |