POSTED UNDER Garden, Spring, Summer, AND MORE

Cure for the Winter Doldrums

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Marigold
Have the winter doldrums set in for you? Yule and New Year celebrations are well over. The house is no longer festively decorated. This time of year is said to be the most depressing. One definition of doldrums: a series of light winds or calm on the ocean. Starting today, take a positive slant and deem this a time of inward calm. Get plenty of rest. Eat light, nutritious, yet comforting foods. Work your body and muscles with yoga, tai chi, or simple stretches. Listen to soothing music or background noise. Ease your mind with meditation and inward reflection. Develop your spring and summer household or garden projects.

"Away from the winter darkness, toward the spring light, this calming time nourishes my weary spirit. Plans laid this day will bear abundant fruit. As I write, so mote it be."
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