POSTED UNDER Earth, Equinox, Ostara, AND MORE

An Ostara Egg Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lilac
Ostara is the Pagan sabbat that celebrates the spring equinox.
It was named for the Teutonic goddess Eostra, which eventually led to the Christian holiday of Easter. The main themes of Ostara are rebirth and fertility. Symbols for Ostara include rabbits, flowers, and eggs.
Eggs, a symbol of fertility, are sacred to both Pagans and Christians.
They've been decorated at springtime since the days of ancient Egypt and Persia. In ancient Egypt and today in the Eastern Orthodox Church, eggs are usually dyed red. Red is the color of the life force, the Sun, and Christ's blood. The egg is rich with symbolism. The shell can represent the Earth or Christ's tomb. The white is associated with the Heavens, and the yolk with the sun.
To create a new beginning, perform this spell.
Turn your altar toward the east and place three hard-boiled eggs dyed red upon it. Think of something you wish to begin, then gently press two of the eggs together until the shells crack.
This symbolizes a break with the past and a fresh start. Take the third egg oustide and gently roll it in the grass to honor the increasing power of the Sun. End your ritual by eating a pastry garnished with almonds to represent fertility.
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