POSTED UNDER Healing, Protection

Transformation Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Pine
On April 20, 1939, Billie Holiday recorded the civil rights song "Strange Fruit" about the racially motivated hangings of black men in the South, so today is a day to do a transformation spell.
The herb rosemary is used ritually for many things, including grieving, healing, memory, protection, release, rituals for the dead, and transformation.
Make a batch of simple biscuits, sprinkling the tops with rosemary and a pinch of sea salt. As they bake, meditate on worldwide civil rights violations of race, gender, class, and faith. Remember. Grieve. Pull warm buns from the oven. Slather one in butter, and as it melts and disappears, let go. Affirm:

"I remember and I grieve,
I release and I retrieve,
The sanctity of transformation,
Ancient magic, heal this nation."

Savor the taste of healing rosemary, purifying salt, and blessed butter, and move on into a future filled with harmony, equity, and inclusivity.
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