Feast to the Graces Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Marigold
The Romans celebrated this day with a Feast to the Graces, the old goddesses of beneficence. It was thought that honoring them welcomed beauty, charm, and goodness and also brought joy for the rest of the year. This spell is also excellent for creativity and art inspiration, as the Graces were known to guide and assist those in creative fields.
Place a pure-white napkin on the table and assemble the following ingredients: dark chocolate, red wine, whole grain bread, real butter, nuts or seeds of your choice, a slice of pear, and a slice of cooked beef or chicken. (Note: If you are a vegetarian, another protein source will suffice.) Sample from each food, sipping wine in between and chewing slowly, saying:

"Thank you for your gifts to me. Thank you for my creativity. I honor you in word and deed. I make use of every seed."
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