POSTED UNDER Love, Passion, Peace

Friday Attraction Spell

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Thyme
Friday is a great time for an attraction spell. Invoke Freya, the Teutonic goddess of love, beauty, and prolific creation. (You may want to be careful about the prolific creation bit, and take proper precautions.) Gather a candle (white for purity, red for passion, or pink for something in between), matches, and lavender essential oil. Anoint the candle with oil, and place it in a safe candle holder on your altar.
Close your eyes, envisioning what or whom you want to attract. Imagine it in intense detail. Say:

"I enlighten what I desire, it warms to me with this fire"

Light candle.

"Lavender bring me peace of mind, and makes what I desire mine"

Inhale deeply.

"I do not struggle, fret or hurry, it comes in Goddess' time, no worry"

Extinguish the candle. Keep it on the altar, and repeat this mini-spell regularly to draw your desires to you.
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