Choosing an Essay Topic Spell

If you're a student and you can't decide what to write a paper on, you might try using bibliomancy or map divining to help you choose. To begin, close your eyes, and open a relevant book at random. Put your finger on the page you have opened to, and open your eyes. The sentence or paragraph should give you an idea for a subject. For a history or geography paper, get out a map relevant to the coursework. If you don't own a dowsing pendulum, make one by tying a ring on a heavy thread about twelve to fifteen inches long. Hold the thread in your thumb and forefinger on your non-dominant hand, and dangle this over the map. Slowly move the pendulum over the map, stopping to let it come to rest. At some point, the pendulum will refuse to rest, probably making circles in the air. This should suggest a topic for your paper.
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