POSTED UNDER Family, Home, Spring

Performance for Flora

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
Today is the first day of the festival of Floralia, which is a celebration of Flora, Roman goddess of spring, flowers, and vegetation. To celebrate, ancient Romans wore garlands of flowers and their most festive attire, and even decked their livestock and animals in flowers of the season. Drinking, merrymaking, games, and performances were held in honor of the goddess and the season.
Today, wear colorful attire in honor of the occasion. Find an opportunity to give an offering of a devotional performance in nature in honor of Flora and the spring vegetation in anyway you feel moved. You could quietly read a poem aloud in a special private spot in nature, you could go into your yard and drum among the trees, or you could have a family procession around the perimeter of your home chanting, drumming, and singing. Whether your celebration is high-profile or low-key, focus on your gratitude for the season and its deities!
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