POSTED UNDER Recipe, Summer, Sun

Change Your Life Spell

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Summer is coming, and the world is green and growing. Take advantage of the seasonal energies now to make changes in your life.
For this spell, you'll need three hard-boiled eggs. Drape your altar with white fabric, and place the eggs before you. Gently press two of the eggs together until the shells crack, then set them aside. The cracking of the shells represents a new beginning. The eggs inside the shells symbolize the Life Spirit waiting to come forth. Crack and peel the third egg to represent the shedding of your old ways. Then eat the egg as you think of what change you want to make. The white of the egg symbolizes all the possibilities before you; the yolk is the Sun, guiding you on your way. Use the other eggs in a recipe, and think of this spell as you prepare it.
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