Hurricane Prep Week

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Bay laurel
Today falls during Hurricane Preparation Week, reminding us that regardless of where we live and what natural disasters may befall our geographical area, being ready for the unexpected is wise.
Create a "disaster" spell kit. In addition to the usual provisions for daily living, precious items you cannot replace, and pertinent legal documents, be sure to pack a votive cup with a fireproof lid, a votive candle, waterproof mathes, and a lighter.
Include one or two battery-operated tealights and extra batteries; you may be sheltered in a place where open flame is banned. Samll containers of salt and cinnamon (for cleansing and power) will suffice for any spell. Add whatever spices and herbs are important to you. I choose vervain for its general properties, and lavender for its calming effects. Tuck in a small, unobtrusive altar cloth, a pen, and a small notebook.
You now have a simple spell kit that will fit into a plastic, airtight freezer bag. None of these items will cause a stir should you be forced into a shelter where you cannot share your chosen belief system.
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