Removing Obstacles

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Yarrow
On Ganesh Chaturthi, people honor the Hindu god Ganesh. Clay statues of the elephant-headed god are displayed in tents and temples. People make offerings of coconut, jaggery sugar, red flowers, and other sacrificial items. There is dancing and singing. At the end of the festival, the statue is immersed in the river or sea so that Ganesh may return to his celestial home, taking with him the misfortunes of humanity. This is part of his purpose as the Remover of Obstacles.
Anyone can join the festivities from home. Place an image of Ganesh on your altar, and put some red flowers in a vase. Take a cleansing bath. Then tell Ganesh about your misfortunes and ask him to carry them away. Finish with the traditional closing for this occasion:

"Ganapathi Bappa Morya, Purchya
Varshi Laukariya.
(O father Ganesha, Come again
early next year.)"
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