National Coffee Day

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Hyssop
Coffee! That magickal, mystical, stimulating, delicious elixir so many of us cannot do without every morning. There is more to the growing, manufacture, distribution, preparation, and consuming of coffee than can be written here.
Coffee drinkers, sit quietly over your first cup of the morning or last cup of the day and reflect on all that coffee gives you: a lift, a boost, a calm spot of rest and pampering in the midst of a busy day. For those who do not partake of it, add whole coffee beans to a mojo bag created to awaken your creativity or heighten your divination powers. Say:

"From the earth,
Blessed by water, wind, and sun,
All appreciation and gratitude
For every step of the process
That brings this beverage to me."
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