POSTED UNDER Blessing, Cat, Earth, AND MORE

Saint Anthony's Day Animal Blessing

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Magnolia
Today is associated with Saint Anthony of the Desert. An often severe, volatile, and even wrathful personality, he reveals a more endearing side of his personality in his role as protector of domesticated animals. In Mexico, many church clergy encourage people to bring animals to them to be blessed. Today would be a perfect day to offer blessings upon your own animal friends. It is not necessary to bring your animals to a church to receive a blessing. Use an animal-safe holy water of your own creation, and anoint your animal with a small amount of the water while saying a blessing such as the following:

"Divine blessings I do confer
To friends and family of scale, feather,
fin, and fur.
Blessings to all creatures on earth near
and far,
For connected through the earth we
all are.
So mote it be!"
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