POSTED UNDER Cat, Garden, Spring

Day of Service

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
It's People Power Day in the Philippines, a day associated with activism and service. Resolve on this day to step outside of your comfort zone or your usual routine to give service to those around you. Simple options might include litter removal, ivy pulling, or guerilla gardening-for instance, scattering handfuls of local (normally found in your area) wildflower seeds in vacant lots and parking strips, where they'll burst into bloom with spring's arrival.
Want to do more? Contact your local town or city government, school, or other agency, and see what needs to be done. As you work, be aware of your hands-of their strength, the work they can do, and the magick inherent in them. Imagine the collective energy and power of people working together. Embrace your place in the web.
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About Susan Pesznecker
Susan “Moonwriter” Pesznecker is a writer, college English teacher, nurse, and hearth Pagan/Druid living in northwestern Oregon. Sue holds a Masters degree in professional writing and loves to read, watch the stars, camp with her wonder poodle, and work in her own biodynamic garden. She ...
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