POSTED UNDER Blessing, Garden, Love, AND MORE

Outpouring Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Pine
Take a pitcher or bowl of water out under the moon first thing this morning, as the moon will have risen in the early hours. Hold the water vessel up to the moon and the sun, allowing both the lunar and solar energies to touch and mix in the water. Say these or similar words:

"Lord of the dance, guide my hands,
lay your blessing upon this water.
Lady of love, let us become, and flow
to the sound of your laughter."

While chanting, imagine a beautiful garden, your beautiful garden, thriving and bearing fruit, green and lush and healthy and strong. Pour a little of the water on the ground, in libation, then sip a little of the water yourself, in acceptance. Use the rest of it on your houseplants, plant starts, or, if in a southern climate, on your early crops.
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About Thuri Calafia
Thuri Calafia (Portland, OR) is an ordained Wiccan minister and High Priestess who has been teaching the Wiccan path for over thirty years. The founder of the Circles system and the Circles School of Witchcraft and Wicca, she is actively involved in her local community and teaches workshops, ...
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