Bittersweet Wisdom

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Orchid
Today is Chocolate Chip Day.
It's easy to overlook the value of chocolate as something other than a tasty treat. It is sweet and delicious, but also dark and complex. This is the food of the gods, which humans can also enjoy.
Cocoa is actually an entheogen, known for raising human consciousness and connecting with the divine. It originated in Mesoamerica; its use dates back thousands of years. Chocolata is a modern personification of the chocolate goddess, often rendered as a Mesoamerican woman holding a cocoa plant or candy. She represents the bittersweet nature of life and knowledge.
Honor Chocolata by baking chocolate chip cookies. As the fragrance fills your home, concentrate on the spiritual importance of food. It is both pleasure and sustenance. Then eat mindfully. Knowledge can make us happy or sad, depending what we do with it. This is the wisdom of chocolate and the inner divinity.
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