POSTED UNDER Prayer, Protection

A Rampart of Protection

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Thyme
To increase the protective energy around you, situate yourself in a hexagram of candles by doing the following. In a dark, quiet area, take six tealight candles and put them equidistant apart, with you in the center. Stand with your hands outstretched to the cosmos, and draw down the limitless energy of the universe. Visualize this light filling your body and mind, and see the energy of the candles linking into the shape of a hexagram.
Chant As above, so below over and over again while you feel this flood of energy rushing into you and all around you. Finish by saying a prayer to the spirits, such as the following:

"Holy guides, gods, and guardians, I
ask you to surround me in a rampart
of protection. Keep the maleficent far
away from me. Illuminate my consciousness
to see the proper path before
me. In return, I shall humbly serve the
force of the greater good. So mote it be!"
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Raven Digitalis (Hawaii/Montana) is the author of The Empath's Oracle, The Everyday Empath, Esoteric Empathy, Shadow Magick Compendium, Planetary Spells & Rituals and Goth Craft. Originally trained in Georgian Witchcraft, Raven has been an earth-based practitioner since 1999, a Priest since ...
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