A Spell for Letting Go

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lily
Having trouble sticking to your New Year's resolutions already? Try this. You'll need a black pen, sheets of white paper, and some kind of a fire-a yellow candle will suffice. Write down what resolutions you made and what you feel is blocking you from achieving them. Don't be surprised if this turns into an epistle-that's a good thing! You're purging what is standing in your way. Once you've written it all out, carefully burn the paper in the fire, saying:

"With the power of me, I set thee free."

See all your obstacles leaving and making way for your determination. If you use the candle to burn the paper, then take the ashes outside somewhere off your property and dispose of them there. When you are tempted to break your vows, remember that you've removed the temptation and you're strong enough to stick to your word.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=6194