Vesta's House Blessing

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Lilac
Month's end is a common time for moving house. Whether you've sold and are moving to a new home, or you're a student leaving your college residence to return home for the summer, it's good to give thanks and remove your vital energy from the space, leaving it free and clear for the next inhabitant.
Light a candle and say:

"I call on Vesta to bless this place,
Withdraw my energy and cleanse the space.
I've lived and grown and been happy here,
But I leave it now, free, joyous, and clear."

Walk through each room, feeling the joy of your experiences there. Symbolically gather up energy from each room with your hands, returning it to your heart.


"I gather my energy from where I've lived,
And take it now, to my new home to give.
For the greater good."

Blow out the candle and leave the cleared space.
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