Saint Catherine

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Mint
Saint Catherine of Alexandria- who is aligned with such magical superstars as Athena, Fortuna, and Hypatia-is honored on this day. Although she's no longer recognized as an official saint, her spiritual vibration is palpable and potent, and she can be petitioned effectively for help with romantic matters, especially related to marriage and lifelong partners. To do this, place an image of Saint Catherine on your altar. Add a few drops of essential oil of sandalwood to some sunflower oil, and anoint a red pillar candle with the oil. Place the candle on a holder, and sprinkle a pinch of gold glitter on and around it. Earnestly request that Saint Catherine powerfully intervene to help bring about ideal conditions in your love life. (You can hold a specific desire in mind, but it's best to trust the details and outcome to her.) Then thank her. Light the candle and allow it to burn all the way down, extinguishing and lighting again as necessary.
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About Tess Whitehurst
Tess Whitehurst (Boulder, CO) is an intuitive counselor, energy worker, feng shui consultant, and speaker. She has appeared on the Bravo TV show Flipping Out and her writing has been featured in such places as Writer's Digest, Llewellyn's annuals, and Spirit and Destiny magazine. She is also the ...
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