POSTED UNDER Home, Protection

Protect the Memory of the Fallen

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Lily
Memorial Day began as Decoration Day after the Civil War. Today it honors everyone who died in the line of duty while serving in the armed forces. The American Legion uses poppies of red silk as a memento, often exchanging them for donations on Memorial Day.

As Pagans, we may call on gods and goddesses of war for protection or courage. We usually do this when going into a conflict-and that's all the attention these deities get. So today, make a donation and get a poppy to bring home for your altar as an offering to protect the memory of the fallen. Lay it before an icon of any martial deity and say:

"May the valiant dead
Be remembered instead
Of forgotten and left behind,
As this flower of red,
Laid at foot or at head,
Brings their sacrifices to mind."
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