POSTED UNDER Job, Money, Prosperity, AND MORE

Computer Prosperity Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Hyssop
In the modern world, many of us make money by working on computers. Whether programming them, servicing them, or just using them to send information, we rely on computers a lot. This poses a challenge, because technology and magic don't get along very well. They tend to short-circuit each other.

Enter technomagic. This uses synthetic materials and energy instead of the nature-based kind. Metal, glass, plastic, and other humanmade things carry the spark of technomagic-and computers are basically the techie version of an enchanted mirror.

For this spell, you will need four golden coins. Put one under each corner of your computer, saying:

"By north, south, east, and west,
Be this computer blessed.
Bring forth prosperity
And wealth-so mote it be!"

When you need a little help, like if you're applying for a job online, just reach out and rub one of the coins.
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