POSTED UNDER Blessing, Cat

Tools of the Craft

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lilac
In this day and age, we use smartphones, laptops, and computers to communicate, and once in a while pen and paper make an appearance. However we choose to communicate, we all desire to express ourselves clearly and concisely.

Wednesdays are dedicated to the god Mercury, swift messenger of the gods. Use today's energy to ask for his blessing upon your tools of communication. You will need:

* 3 drops cinnamon essential oil
* 1/4 cup carrier oil of your choice (such as almond or apricot oil)
* An orange candle

Add the cinnamon essential oil to the carrier oil and mix well in a small container. Light the candle and rub your palms with the blended cinnamon oil. Hold your palms over your devices and say:

"Great god Mercury, I call to you. Thank you for blessing my tools and my words."

Pinch out your candle and repeat as necessary, or every Wednesday as a ritualistic practice.
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Najah Lightfoot is a multi-award-winning author. She is the author of Powerful Juju and the bestselling Good Juju. She is a regular contributor to the Llewellyn annuals and a contributor to Taschen, The Library of Esoterica -Volume III - Witchcraft. Her magickal staff is on display and part of the ...
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