POSTED UNDER Autumn, Earth, Snow, AND MORE

Planting Intentions

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Hyacinth
Autumn is the ideal time to plant bulbs that produce spring flowers. Snowdrops, crocus, daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths all go into the ground this season. There is no immediate reward; they work their magic in secret, underground, all winter. So it's a perfect parallel for making future plans.

For this spell, you will need a bag of flower bulbs-any kind will do-and some plans with a timespan of several months. Begin by meditating. Hold each bulb in your hands and concentrate on what you wish to accomplish. Then plant the bulbs. As you bury each one, say:

"Earth, receive these bulbs, like seeds.
Hold them close through cold and doubt.
Swell and grow my thoughts, my needs,
Underground till spring, then sprout."

Keep the card from the bag to remind you how beautiful your flowers-and achievements-will be in spring, as you work through winter.
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