Renewing Bath

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Juniper
Recharge your batteries after a long day with a comforting ritual bath. Gather some bubble bath, Epsom or bath salts, a candle, a lighter, and something on which you can play music. Ideally all of the scented items will match-lavender is recommended, but eucalyptus is another good one. So are citrus scents.

Run a nice warm bath full of bubbles, adding in about a half cup of salts to the water. Light the candle and set it on the edge of the tub. Play some music that you find relaxing and uplifting. Turn off the lights, sink into the bubbly warm water, and enjoy your soak, visualizing all of the day's trials, stresses, and tribulations melting away into the water. Emerge renewed and recharged
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