POSTED UNDER Autumn, Sun, Wind

As Fast as You Can

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Mint
Not all of our autumnal urges are beneficial, but triggering imagined predatory fears, and learning to face them down while we exercise, is one therapeutically spooky way to teach our mind, body, and spirit how to thrive by working together uniformly, helping us to achieve our goals with good habits.

Bask in the light of the late afternoon along your favorite sunny walking trail. Confront your shadow self with conversations of gossip, fault, and failure. Then stop suddenly and run at your fastest speed toward the sun until you are nearly winded. Don't look back. Stop just as suddenly and meditate quietly in the glow of the sunset. Feel your heart racing the darkness, sensing your heartbeat as you exercise awareness in the moment. Express gratitude for each one of your skills and abilities. Recite the following affirmation, as needed:

"Life, light, and spark, illuminate the dark."
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